the diamond approach - a SIMPLE, FOCUSED AND DIRECT spiritual PATH
Bringing your Spirituality into Daily Life
The Diamond Approach was developed by A.H. Almaas. This spiritual path grew out of and in response to the needs of seekers for truth, who wanted to combine their spiritual path with fully living their lives in the world – in the midst of their families, relationships, jobs and hobbies.
We invite you to explore and find out if this unique Teaching is your path.
Take the easy next step to explore the Diamond Approach directly in your own experience. Take the guessing out of your spiritual life.
Turn the page and go here.
How Maurice found inquiry and presence
Inquiry is the central practice of the Diamond Approach, and is an intentional investigation into one's experience in the moment. We utilize both cognitive understanding and a felt awareness in an immediate engagement of our experience to reveal its deeper truth. Solely relying on the intellect tends to generate more mental content, whereas fully embracing our bodily sensations and being attuned to the unfolding experience enriches the present moment, fostering immediacy and depth. Go here to learn more.
The path found me
A Diamond Approach student explains how she came into the Teaching and what it means to her.
Go here to find out how YOU can participate.
Basic Trust
The Diamond Approach helps us open to recognition of basic trust in Reality, which is the direct awareness that Reality is inherently good, holding and supportive. When our soul knows this we can relax.
“I had been away from Boulder for 4 years, and was reconnecting with old friends. Went to lunch with a friend, and I noticed he was really different, changed. I couldn’t put my finger on what was different other than "more grown up". I asked him what happened? He said he’d been “hanging out with this guy, Hameed” and they were starting a group (Diamond Heart Training - first group). He told me about The Elixir of Enlightenment, which totally caught me. That was 35 years ago and the rest is history”