Achieving a Balance Between Worlds

The Diamond Approach® helps resolve the split between the material and spiritual worlds


The Diamond Approach® is a method of inner work, aiming to reconnect us to our fundamental nature, to the essence of who we truly are. Just like polishing different facets of a diamond, we transform our souls by connecting to the different expressions of our essence – such as will, strength, compassion, joy, and love.

In the necessary process of developing our everyday self, we grow apart from our truer self, our authenticity. As a result, our day to day experience can feel a pale imitation of something more real.

Feeling the drive to realize your spiritual nature and recognizing that the external world will not provide what you long for, is a step towards waking-up and becoming a spiritual seeker.

We usually know of ourselves as a Who, with boundaries, strengths, weaknesses and aims.  It may be useful to think of ourselves more as a What, a more boundless vehicle of some kind that we might discover.


“I had been away from Boulder for 4 years, and was reconnecting with old friends. Went to lunch with a friend, and I noticed he was really different, changed. I couldn’t put my finger on what was different other than "more grown up". I asked him what happened? He said he’d been “hanging out with this guy, Hameed” and they were starting a group (Diamond Heart Training - first group). He told me about The Elixir of Enlightenment, which totally caught me. The rest is history”

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A teaching for our time

The Diamond Approach® Bridges the Gap between Ego & True Nature

It addresses and deals with the interplay and apparent contradictions between the egoic or personality driven traits and the transcendental or qualities of our being and true nature.